Need your Massage License? We have partnered with Academy for Massage Therapy Training in San Antonio!

Why Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy enables you to work directly with clients to provide pain and stress relief through physical touch. Post-pandemic, the massage industry has seen a huge increase as society has shifted towards health and wellness with many people turning to Massage Therapy as a staple in their wellness routines. There are a number of different directions you can take your career as a Massage Therapist. You have the opportunity to work for a chiropractor, spa, or establishment, work brick-and-mortar or mobile, or even operate your own practice if you so choose. Whether you are passionate about Wellness and the therapeutic techniques that support overall well-being, Sports Massage and helping athletes to perform better and recover faster, or Medical Massage with an emphasis on pain relief and providing long-term healing, a career in Massage Therapy will help you change the quality of life of others.
Why Choose Academy for Massage Therapy Training?

Academy for Massage Therapy Training (AMTT) has been a leader in Massage Therapy education for nearly 25 years. Although there are other schools which offer Massage Therapy as a part of a myriad of other programs, AMTT avoids any distractions by specializing solely in Massage Therapy. With over 200 students graduating from their two campuses each year, AMTT is the premiere Massage School in San Antonio.
Some of the direct benefits of completing your Massage Therapy education with AMTT:
Quality Massage Therapy education taught by expert Instructors
Financial assistance, including ZERO out-of-pocket tuition
Their proprietary, highly sought out WorkSmart method of massage
Many massage establishments prefer AMTT graduates over graduates from other programs
Begin a rewarding career with average salaries in San Antonio of over $50,000 a year
Complete their entire program in three, short semesters!
Visit the AMTT website to learn more about their next program start date!